Thursday 29 August 2013

City Of Scars

Hey guys,

Well here we go again, another book promo.

This time it's the first instalment from a new series called The Skullborn Trilogy by Steven Montano (author of my favourite series, Blood Skies).

The trilogy is set in the fictional place of Malzaria.
Again we see Steven's ability to transport the reader to a world that is not like our own.
The world you end up in is a dark, struggling place that is still in bits after a bloody war....30 years before.

In part 1, City Of Scars, We find Azander Dane, a fallen knight haunted by the crimes of his past, now a mercenary he drifts from one city to the next.  His latest job is to hunt down Ijanna Taivorkan, a powerful outlaw witch who is desperate to escape her destiny.
Azander and Ijanna are in Ebonmark, the City of Scars, where deadly crime guilds and shadowy agents of the White Dragon Empire prepare for a brutal confrontation.  Pursued by apocalypse cults, mad alchemists, exiled giants and werewolf gangs, Dane and Ijanna soon learn a deadly lesson – in Ebonmark, only the cruelest and most cunning can survive.


The right-hand gate rose.  Dane and a hundred bloodthirsty gamblers waited for Maddox’s fighter to appear, and when he did a collective cheer rose from all but Dane, who at that moment realized those people truly were insane.


It was a giant – a twelve-foot tall black-fleshed brute with knotted rune-carved muscles and fearsome white eyes.  His bald head was lined with scars and the muscles in his neck bulged as he twisted his fearsome visage from side to side to take in the crowd.


The giant’s arms were as big around as a human’s torso, and his hands were so massive Dane guessed he could easily take a stallion’s head in his grip.  Simple black armor covered the giant’s lean body, but the creature’s midnight flesh was darker.  His tiny white eyes peered around the room angrily, and when the creature opened his mouth his thick blunt teeth shone in the dim light.  The giant held a gigantic war axe in his grip, and a thick silver collar had been fitted tightly around his muscular throat.


It was a Voss, creatures who dwelled in enormous underground cities and plotted the downfall and enslavement of all other races, surface and subterranean alike.  Despite their size and ferocious appearance the Voss were known more for their cruelty and cunning rather than their strength.  During the Rift War they’d acted as the Blood Queen’s engineers, and they’d labored tirelessly to construct Veilcrafted war machines which had devastated Jlantria and Den’nar.  As impressive as it was that a Voss had been captured and enslaved, Dane wanted to find this Maddox and strangle him – bringing a giant into a human city was like walking a lion through a field of lambs.


About the Author
Steven Montano is an accountant by day and an author by night.  Sadly, he doesn’t own a superhero costume.  He’s also hopelessly addicted to books, films, music and video games, the darker the better.


Steven is the author of Blood Skies, Black Scars, Soulrazor, Crown of Ash, The Witch’s Eye, Tales of a Blood Earth 1 and 2 and something black….  He’s currently hard at work on Blood Angel Rising, a horror novel; Chain of Shadows and Vampire Down, the next two installments of the Blood Skies series; and Path of Bones and The Black Tower, the remaining books of The Skullborn trilogy. 


He lives in Washington State with his wife, two children, a dog of below-average intelligence, and a ridiculous number of books and bottles of wine.

Checkout Steven's website

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