Friday 6 September 2013

Black And Red - The Overview we go, my first ever book...well it's a story anyway, whether I can turn it in to a book is a different story (no pun intended).

OK. In this post, I plan to let you in to a few details about the overall book - some of the characters, plot and settings.

Let's get stuck in shall we....

The story is about twin boys who, after their parents die, are separated from each other and fostered. Soon they forget about each other, that is until fate catches up with them...

In a world that chooses to ignore the supernatural, a war is brewing...which side will you choose?

Here are a few of the characters...

Kyal Black - separated from his twin when he was very young, Kyal was brought up in a scenic part of New Zealand's south island. Content with his life, he has plans to take over his families farming business...until a meeting with an unknown creature changes everything...

Storm - warrior, tracker, scout and spy, Storm is a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to war. He also happens to be 1 of only a handful of his species left. Charged with finding the only person who can change the fate of the world, can Storm discover their whereabouts before the enemy...

Shane Red - The leader of the enemy, Red will stop at nothing to destroy the Guardians and then the rest of the world. On the verge of succeeding, he stumbles upon a revelation that could turn out to be the icing on the cake....

Have I got you interested yet??

Here are some of the settings:

Black's Farm - a family run farm in a rural part of New Zealand's south island. A couple of miles from the nearest town, nothing worse than a broken fence or 2 ever happens there...

The Fortress - Shane Red's arcane built dwelling is situated in the Antarctic and hidden from the rest of the world by magic..or is it ignorance.

The Vale - home to the Guardians, this safe haven is the last standing obstruction between Red and victory.

Well what do you guys think?? Interested in it at all??

Please feel free to comment/message me on here or at any of the following:

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Thanks for reading and look out for future updates on this and other things too....
